Ruff! (v2.5.0)

IntroductionTop, Main, Index

Ruff! (Runtime function formatter) is a documentation generation system for programs written in the Tcl programming language. Ruff! uses runtime introspection in conjunction with comment analysis to generate reference manuals for Tcl programs.

Ruff! is covered by a liberal BSD open-source license that permits use for any purpose.

Why Ruff!Top, Main, Index

In comparison with other source code based documentation generators, Ruff! produces documentation that not only requires less duplication of effort from the programmer, but is also more complete, more accurate and more maintainable.

On the output side,

The Ruff! documentation itself is produced with Ruff!. Examples of other packages documented with Ruff! include iocp, cffi, CAWT, apave, baltip, hl-tcl, SpiceGenTcl, promise, obex, Woof! and tcl-vix.

DocumentationTop, Main, Index

The ::ruff reference page describes the Ruff! documentation generation API. The ::ruff::sample page shows some sample output for some of the Ruff! features along with the associated source code from which it was generated.

DownloadsTop, Main, Index

Download the Ruff! distribution from The source code repository is at

InstallationTop, Main, Index

To install, extract the distribution to a directory listed in your Tcl auto_path variable.

CreditsTop, Main, Index

Ruff! is authored by Ashok P. Nadkarni.

It uses the textutil package from tcllib, a modified version of the Markdown inline parser from the Caius project, and portions of the nroff generator from Tcllib's doctools package.